My Blog

I wanted to call it a diary, but I know I won't be able to post every single day lol... Expect little updates once a week, or more if something interesting happens. It will be sorted by newest so to start from the beginning you'd have to scroll to the bottom!

PD: Yes, American viewers, i use the dd/mm/yyyy system. Get used to it, it makes more sense.

29/01/25: Unemployment & Persona: Match Made in Heaven

Today I started this blog, lol. I probably should've started it waaay sooner, to help me keep my attention on this site and not abandon it for two months like I did... Whatever.

I've been playing Persona 4 as of late. What a weird game, in a good way. Never seen any other game even try what it does... Except YIIK. Very poorly. Anyways my little dumb autistic brain is so addicted to it, some nights I stay up waaay too late because of it, but at least I'm cutting myself short by only playing twice a week. I'll give my thoughts on it when it's done!

On another note, I'm still looking for a job. It's so DEPRESSING. There's a bunch of them that don't sound all that bad (either graphic design related or something I could do, like waitress, driver, language-related...) but then you look at the requirements and they all fucking suck, I saw one for WASHING DISHES that asked for a year of experience. DUDE. ROOAAAARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!1 Ahem, anyways, even if you have the requirements, they won't hire you because 300 other people applied to it for whatever reason. I have to rely on nepotism somehow, to make it far in my damn country you need to have contacts and play dirty like that. It's sad and it's half accepted...

Say, does anyone reading this wanna hire me? No?