'Tis but my humble little personal Neocity. I made it as a little challenge to shake off the rust and prepare to actually make a professional portfolio site. Yay, progress in life!!

Who even ARE you?

I am the former queen of Google+ (self proclaimed), future internet celebrity and great graphic designer/artist... SHANTALEX!

*Tumbleweed awkwardly rushes by* Doesn't ring a bell? Ugh, fine, I'll have to properly introduce myself.

'Bout me

Well! My name is Alex (shocker) and I am your average pinterest loving gamer girl with a twist... I ACTUALLY draw. I'm 22 (08/10/02) as of writing this. I speak Spanish, English, and I'm learning basic German as we speak!! As I've said, I'm passionate about art, specifically illustration, and (singleplayer) videogames. Some other hobbies of mine include martial arts, jogging, biology, writing... Although I wanted to be a marine biologist, vet, and even had a chance to be an olympian taekwondoist (* ´ ﹃`*) I eventually settled with graphic designer.

Media in general that I love