Media I'm into :D
Jojo No Kimyou Na Bouken
(But his friends call him Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) Love this manga to death. It has such genuinely unique writing and the evolution of its style, both visual and writing-wise, is so inspiring.

Foo Fighters best girl
Touhou project
An incredibly fun bullet hell series, with amazing music, funny writing and memorable characters. 'Nuff said.

World's first game that none of its fans actually play.
Mother series
Always competing with the next entry for my favorite rpg. Earthbound is iconic, has aged well, and, hot take, I love replaying it. Mother 3 on the other hand has a little bit of Earthbound, plus a very touching story. I love the rhythm game type combat it has going on lol.

He so happiey on he got damn bayque :D
Chrono Trigger
You'd think a time travelling rpg from the 90's would get many copycats, but I can't recall that many games that do time travel like this. Not a dull moment in this game, the soundtrack is so varied and good, and it has Akira Toriyama art for those who like that.

My only complaint is that this amazing scene is locked behind an obscure sidequest.
Hotline Miami 2 (yes, just 2) & Katana Zero
Lumping these together because even if they're not as similar as people say they are, my praises are similar for both. Instant classic when they came out, amazing and somewhat simple story and kickass music. Oh, and they're SO fun to get good at.

Yes, this was my inspiration for the header gif.
Random game shoutout: Intravenous.
Very neat take on a hotline miami/splinter cell mix, but the story and writing are a little weak. Hope this dev only gets better from here!